New version of Qvain’s UI will be launched on 18th July 2019.
The deployment will be done during during the afternoon, ~12-4pm. There might be short service breaks during the deployment, we apologize for that! (Normally the maintenance break occurs every first Tuesday of each month.)
Changes are mostly visible in the UI. Biggest improvement has been made to the navigation; tabs on top of the pages are moved into the left side of the pages as a list. This enables the user to change a page (formerly “a tab”) without scrolling up the page to see the tabs. In addition there quite a few changes in the UI, for example:
- Text boxes no longer have lines to fill-in but we are back to regular text boxes.
- Mandatory fields are marked more clearly.
- Instructions that were behind i -icons for each field have been moved to be always visible on the form (no more difficult i -icons). Field specific instructions have also been added into portal (a link can be found in Qvain User Guide).
- Save and Publish buttons are more clearly apart and the UI tells when there are changes to be saved before the dataset can be published.

We hope you like the changes!