What’s new in renewed IDA?

Applying for IDA quota and adding new project members is done in CSC’s customer portal (SUI) in the same way as before. If you already have an IDA project, you don’t have to apply for it again. Your username and CSC password are the same as before the renewal. Below you will find information on the practical impact of the service renewal.

Old IDA Renewed IDA
Logging in
With CSC or Haka credentials, after registering a CSC customer account. Exceptions are Cyberduck and command-line usage, which require a separate IDA password With CSC or Haka credentials, after registering a CSC customer account (command line tools with CSC account, no separate IDA password)
Available user interfaces
SUI My Files, Cyberduck file transfer programme, command line/icommands IDA’s browser user interface (ida.fairdata.fi), IDA’s command line tools (available in GitHub)
User rights in project storage area
All users of the project have the same rights to the data within the project, but read and write rights can be changed with icommands
All users of the project have the same rights to the data within the project
Project name in IDA
Some of the old IDA projects have a plain language name in IDA, most have the CSC project ID (usually a number) CSC project ID (usually a number)
Storage areas
Each project has one project storage area, in which all storage procedures are carried out while the data is being transferred to the service (eg checksum calculation, replica to another media) Each project has a Staging area (data only on disk and fully editable) and a Frozen area (checksums, replica on other media, read-only access). Users are responsible for freezing their data, thus making the data safely stored in the service.
Metadata in IDA
Users have been able to add/modify metadata in IDA and have been able to describe it as a research dataset in Etsin Dataset metadata is created using the Qvain metadata tool
Sharing files
Users have been able to create a download link to a file in IDA, or open the file as a dataset in Etsin, enabling citations (PID) Dataset descriptions are done with the Qvain metadata tool and the datasets will be published in Etsin (PID). It’s also possible to informally share the data with a temporary download link directly from the IDA service.


Data download links made before the IDA renewal in 2018 will continue to function at least until the metadata tool (Qvain) is available. However, the old links are fixed: you’re not able to make new ones by changing the data in new IDA. Unfreezing downloadable files in new IDA will also make the download links made in old IDA break, so don’t unfreeze them if this is not your intention.

With the metadata tool Qvain, data stored in IDA will set openly downloadable on a dataset level and published in Etsin. Data can be downloaded from Etsin from the dataset’s landing page. Creating permanent direct download links from IDA will no longer be supported.