Etsin – Research Dataset Finder

Etsin enables you to find research datasets from all fields of science. Etsin contains information about the datasets and metadata created in the Fairdata services. We also show datasets from organizations own data repositories and metadata catalogs.

The published metadata on the dataset is open to everyone. The data owner decides how the actual research data can be accessed and by whom. Datasets can be described and published through the Qvain service.

Dataset information in Etsin includes, for example, dataset title, language, author, owner and how it is licensed for reuse. All users are free to browse and read the metadata with a browser. Based on metadata, users can first search for datasets and then evaluate the suitability for their own needs.

Etsin works independently of the actual data storage location, but includes information on the storage location and usage rights. Etsin provides download links when possible, links to landing pages of harvested metadata sets, links to the rights entitlement system and a contact form.

For API’s, consult the Metax pages.

Data citation

When using research data you should also cite it using its persistent identifier, most often a DOI or URN. You can see it on the right on the dataset page. Using the identifier ensures that the source data can be located, as it will always resolve to the landing page of the same version of the used dataset. Be sure to also give other basic information about the dataset when citing it. An example citation is also presented on the dataset page.

Metadata from external sources (harvesting, API interface)

If the dataset is distributed by an other service a link will take you from Etsin to the landing page of the dataset. There you will find the authoritative information about the dataset and the access and other rights.

Asking for access and getting in touch

If access to a dataset is restricted you can ask for access by contacting the creator or curator of the dataset with the Contact form. The curator is usually a good first point of contact if you need to ask about access, the creator can answer about the substance of the dataset.

Contact information

CSC customer support
+358 9 457 2821
Weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4 PM

Etsin is organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The service is produced by CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.

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